Get Involved

Get Listed

Thank for your interest in the Maine Food Atlas! The easiest way to get involved in the Atlas is to (quite literally) put yourself on the map.

If you have an organization or business that is involved in Maine’s Food System, then you belong here. To add yourself to the Atlas, start by creating a free user account, and then fill out the form to add your first location.

Update Your Listings

If you are already a Maine Food Atlas user, then thank you! You may have noticed that we’ve made some changes around here.

As part of the new design of the Atlas, the Food System Categories have been significantly updated. You can now tag many more kinds of vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, and animal products for listings. There are also new categories under Local Food Outlets, Food Access and Nutrition, and Education. In addition, there are many new “features” and “certifications’ you can select to describe what you do, such as “offers Maine Harvest Bucks” and “MOFGA certified organic”.

Login, edit your locations, and check out all the new features.

Map Your Local Food System

Communities all around Maine are coming together to map their local food assets on the Maine Food Atlas. One of the Atlas’ key partners, the Maine Network of Community Food Councils, is helping regional food councils around the state mobilize to do just this kind of work.

Part of the power of the Atlas comes from the fact that anyone can add locations to the map. We love to have businesses and organizations put themselves on the map, but we also welcome individuals and groups to put their neighbors, member locations, and community resources into the Atlas as a first step.

There are many creative ways to go about mapping your food system. One of our favorites is called a “mapathon.” To learn more about how you or your organization can use the Atlas to host a mapathon, check out the Maine Food Atlas Mapathon FAQ .

Partner with Us

As the Maine Food Atlas continues to grow, we are actively seeking new partnerships with organizations across Maine’s food landscape. If you are interested in supporting the mission of the Atlas, working directly with us to use the Atlas as a tool in your work, or would like to use the Atlas to document and promote your organization’s programs, please be in touch.

Get the Word Out

If you support the public interest goals and objects of the Atlas, please tell your friends. Help us grow the number of listings in the website so that we can produce a resources that helps users across Maine to better understand the many dimensions of Maine’s Food System. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, too.