Maine’s local food system is a complex network comprised of growers, manufacturers, truckers, retailers, educators, and many other key players.
Likewise, the development of the Maine Food Atlas can be attributed to a network of funders, project champions, local groups, and individuals.
Collaborating Partners
The Maine Food Atlas is a collaborative effort between the Center for Community GIS and the Maine Network of Community Food Councils. The two organizations have been working together since 2015 to create a “curated crowd-sourcing” platform that Community Food Councils and everyone else can use to explore and map Maine’s local food system.
Maine Food Strategy has worked consistently and closely with CCGIS and MNCFC to help promote and position the Atlas as a key statewide resource for inventorying the many locations that define Maine’s local foods economy.
Leadership funding from Elmina B. Sewall Foundation and The Betterment Fund have supported initial Atlas research, planning, and prototyping and as well as ongoing maintenance, refinement, and the redesign work leading to the launch of the current website. These grants have also helped to cover outreach and promotions work by the Atlas partners aimed at engaging Community Food Councils and other groups, businesses, and organizations around the state.
Grassroots Participation
The expansion of the Atlas has been and will continue to be driven by the efforts of hundreds of contributors – too numerous to name – who have helped to enter and maintain content within the website as motivated volunteers, student researchers, interns, and paid staff.
Join us!
If you want to Get Involved, CCGIS and MNCFC are seeking partners to grow and enhance the Maine Food Atlas and welcome opportunities to discuss and explore collaborations and partnerships.

It takes a village.